We run our business specializing in wholesale and distribution of underwear and swimwear, with special focus on high-quality clothes for bigger breasts and plus sizes. We offer to Czech and Slovak market huge range of bra/sizes and swimsuits (bands 60 – 100, cups A – K). Except women’s lingerie we offer men’s underwear, women’s and men’s swimwear, beach wear, nightwear and pyjamas, night robes, home wear and many useful accessories.
Pomáháte nám pomáhat
Prosinec 2013
Prostřednictvím Nadace fondu dětské onkologie Krtek jsme přispěli částkou 30.000 Kč na nákup software Fibretrack na vyšetření magnetickou rezonanci pro Fakultní nemocnici Brno pracoviště dětské medicíny. Děkujeme
Softline Collection new in our offer
May 2012
May is the month of love. To help Amor a little bit with his work the right time has come to introduce news in our wholesale assortment – company Softline Collection
Phax and Geronimo Swimwear taking part on the model agency press conference
In half May, “Czech Models” Agency held a press conference in Prague club “Lávka” introducing the project called “Live figurines in your outlay”, which was attended by around 120 media… more >>
Manufacturers of the functional underwear Nanobodix and Nanosox expanding our offer
April 2012
Within the distribution we try to satisfy the widest possible range of customers. Therefore we filled the blank space of multifunctional underwear and clothes successfully in April…. more>>
We support Endowment fund of children’s oncology “Mole”
April 2012
For longer time, we’re considering financial support to one of the endowment funds and whereas Brno Endowment Fund of children’s Oncology “Mole” helps our smallest, we decided for it. The Endowment Fund “Mole” takes care of nurselings… more>>
Moto-show Brno
What has underwear in common with motorcycles? Streetwear brand Freegun. This is why we have participated in March Brno Moto-show…more>>
STYL – KABO 2012
Traditionally, we participated on the February fair Style-Kabo 2012 on the BVV. In addition to our fixed-marks Change, Charade, Chic by Change, Gattina and Geronimo… more>>
News in assortment – Alegro and London Calling
January 2012
The beginning of the year 2012 brought us a new cooperation with two brands from the heart of England and fashion metropolis – London…. more>>